Restaurant App
Gone are the days when people used to walk for miles to reach the place, order the food and take away at home. The company wished to create an app where users can order food by simply interacting with the app. They can easily search out the restaurants and available cuisines at the place. Also, restaurant owners and managers can use the system from the administrative perspective and add details about restaurant and food items.

The Client
The client based in Saudi Arabia specializes in serving as well as promoting business management software. He wished to build a solution that can successfully help several food chain owners, restaurant owners, and customers who seek for a transparent system when it is about food. More specifically a solution that allows people to look for various kinds of cuisine and making it possible to order and eat at any place.
Core requirements were:
- Multiple types of user login from the same system
- Live tracking of order that has been placed by the user
- Multilingual platform and to provide different default language except for English

The Solution
Sparsh Technologies came up with an iOS and Android-based mobile application that offers a wide range of facilities to owners, managers, and staff. We tried creating a transparent system where end users can find a restaurant according to its various cuisines. Any user can look around for a restaurant, look for a food item, and order the food.
Key features were:
- API implementation to maintain synchronization between mobile and web application
- Bi-lingual content uploading system as well as content providing system
- Provide a live tracking system
- Restaurant suggestions based on the user's location
- List of restaurants, food items and category wise cuisine management
- Multi-currency management through Magento system