Having a store in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is no longer a luxury? It has become more like a norm where companies have become more careful regarding several aspects like privacy policy consents, cookie restriction notice and even if it comes to deleting or handling anonymous customer data like personal information, orders, newsletters, etc.
Tech Specifications
Marketplace: Sparsh Technologies
Updated:26 October, 2020
Categories:Extensions, Payments & Security
Developed by our highly skilled professionals, the GDPR extension allows companies to keep track on their data by anonymizing or deleting their accounts within the dashboard. With the right to erasure (to be forgotten) option available, one including admin as well as the customer can easily customize some sections including customer data, rights updating the privacy policy and the list goes on.
Store owners, all you require doing is enable the GDPR extension and you can be a relief because your customer’s data is safe and secured. It may quite interest you to know that anybody, whether it’s the admin or customer himself, making relevant changes, is no more a big deal as things can be done without making any manual changes. Simply install the module and make changes in personal data, individual rights, and Cookie policy whenever you want. Its time to offer the best experience and guarantee high security to your end customers.
Consent Checkbox
As the name implies, here whether it’s the registration page or contact page or newsletter form, you get to see a consent checkbox. Customers can mention their personal comments which can be found only by the admin with Customer ID or Customer Name or Customer Email.
Allow To Anonymous Account
Anonymizing your personal account has become quite easy these days. Admin has to simply choose from three options regarding which account is allowed to be anonymized; complete, canceled or closed. In the end, an email will be sent featuring crucial details of login after anonymization is done.
Allow To Delete Account
Quite simple! Customers can delete their account without much hassle. Moreover, even here the admin has his say as he can decide which customer is allowed to delete or any orders other than selected statuses over here then the account won’t be allowed to be deleted. Also, you will find several email templates which is send to the admin as soon as the customer chooses to delete an account. While deleting the account, a message will be visible to a customer while trying to send a request to delete an account.
- Compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation.
- Effective Cookie Management.
- Allows anonymizing as well as deleting the customer account.
- Email Templates available for accounts to be anonymized or deleted.
- Warning Messages.
- Consent checkbox on forms like registration, contact us and newsletters.
- Order statuses can be bifurcated for anonymizing or deleting an account.
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