Advanced Sorting
The Magento 2 Advanced Sorting extension allows customers to sort products by Best Sellers, Top Rated, New Arrivals, Most Viewed, Reviews Count, and Low to High Price and High to Low Price options on catalog listing page.
Tech Specifications
Marketplace: Sparsh Technologies
Updated:28 January, 2021
Categories:Extensions, Content & Customizations, Personalization & Experience Management, Product Content, Site Search & Navigation
Looking for a product, in particular, can be more like finding a needle in a haystack; easier said than done. Not anymore, Sparsh Technology, a well known magento development company brings you an Advanced Sorting Magento 2 extension where you can find specific products in no time. The extension basically allows you to narrow things down in regards to your search. For example, you can bifurcate a product on the basis of Best Sellers, Top Rated, New Arrivals, Most Viewed, Reviews Count, and Low to High Price and High to Low Price options on catalog listing page.
Supports Various Types Of Sorting
Sorting products now becomes effortless like never before. Customers can easily filter their products and make a quick purchase decision.
Available On Category Page & Search Page
Whether it is a search page or category page, customers can easily narrow the groups of products. I must say this is a real time-saving feature that aids in improving customer experience significantly.
- Most viewed sorting options
- Multi-store supported
- Enable/disable extension from backend
- Easy to narrow down concerned products
How does it work?
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